Friday, February 23, 2007

Nic and Jason

I got several good shots of Nic and Jason even though Jason was quite bored posing for me in the solarium at the Beach Club where we stayed. What a beautiful area. One night we went right across the little lake and hung out on the Boardwalk. Nic says he might be a "street performer", too. We watched a very funny magic show. This photo of Nic is at MGM on Monday, our first day. The boys both have beautiful, brown eyes that always catch the light. It drizzled a little but we were just fine.

I declined the Tower of Terror after doing it three years ago. So, they made all the plunges random and it isn't predictable any more. Who cares? Grandpa did every ride (several times) with the rest of the family. I did do the Rockin' Roller Coaster, though. Whoah!@ 0-65 mph in 2.8 second. What a wild trip.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

More February Birthdays

These shots on Cocoa Beach show how playful and relaxed Molly was during our Disney week. She had a birthday on Wednesday, 29 and holding, and since we were gone last week and President's Day was on Monday, she got most of her cards and gifts late. I just want to sing her travel agent praises. She planned, reserved, herded us around for the whole week and everything went like clockwork.

We also celebrated Jason's 11th birthday while we in Disney. Molly arranged to have the diver at the Coral Reef Restaurant (Epcot) hold up a sign underwater so everybody knew it was his birthday. He was very playful during his time in the water and then they brought him this awesome desert. Actually, Jason was born on Leap Day in 1996. All of our grandkids have kind of unusual birthday.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Velvet Saves Mt Hood Climbers

We love to read stories about super-hero dogs in the news. They credit Velvet, a labrador mix, with saving the lives of the Mt Hood climbers by providing them extra heat. We call our little white dog, Bogie, my little heater. He warms up my hands so nice when he curls up on my lap in our favorite chair. This morning he's all curled up after his daily leg rub when he evidently saw a cat. You can tell that it's a cat by his distinctive (and annoying) high bark. We hate to let him out when he's so hyped up like that but if we don't, he keeps scratching on the door and tearing around from window to window. Yikes!

Yesterday on our lunch-time walk we met a new little puppy in the neighborhood. She's Lily, an 11-week-old miniature Yorkshire Terrier. Bogie was so happy to see her he was literally turning flips in the air. We're so happy not to be back in the potty training stage.

Speaking of potty training, Paige is! She's coming to our house this weekend and now gets to wear her princess and Dora panties every day to pre-school. One day it just clicked with her. She'll be three on tax day.

Here's a couple more photos from Disney. I took all my night-time photos without flash with 1600 iso so they aren't all super-sharp but I love the look. I even tried shooting inside the 3D movies - doesn't work real well.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Back from Disney

Just back from Disney and I'm anxious to share some of my favorites. What a lovely day it was yesterday at Cocoa Beach. We had a little road trip away from the kiddo crowds for a bit to relax at this beachside restaurant for a while. It was awesome to have Molly to ourselves for a little while, too. Now, we're home, and back to a foot of snow with temps in the low 20s. Our furnace had shut off so it was only 49 degrees when we walked into our house. We sure were pleased to see that some kind neighbor blew the new snow off of our driveway, sidewalks and porch! Gotta' start the laundry now if I can tear myself away from these photos.

Love looking at these photo memories. We miss you already Watkins family!
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Friday, February 09, 2007

Erin's Birthday

Last weekend, Erin turned two-years-old. She's our youngest granddaughter and such a little beauty. I'm so satisfied when I actually get a great capture of her deep, blue eyes and their kitchen has awesome light.

I am so ready to leave this frigid midwest weather. It's cold and stark, white here. Soon, we'll be heading for Disney World with Nic and Jason and parents and Bogie will be having a ball at the kennel.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ruckus Last Night

I was up late watching the inDesign video from Kevin Swan and finally went to locate Bogie at about 11:30. It was odd that he wasn't already sound asleep on our bed but found him studying the backyard from the West Wing instead. He immediately started barking ferociously like - it was like his "there's a cat" bark but only louder. At first I couldn't see anything at all out there but then a large doe come into view with four smaller ones right behind. I'm sure they could hear this 19 lb maniac and so they only stayed for a few minutes. They were so beautiful in the full moonlight.

Here's his watch post in our bedroom

I'm heading over to take some photos of a school event in a little while. I've taken alot of Cosmetology students recently and the photos cycle through on my school's homepage.