Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Yesterday was my first Friday off of the summer. After commencement, at my community college, we work four, ten hour days. So, this Memorial Day weekend means four days off - sort of like a mini-vacation. On Friday, I got my Tsubo shoes (they were NOT attractive) UPSed back to Zappos, washed our sheets and hung them out, image editing (of course), washed and walked the dog and various other odds and ends. It's so nice just to take it slow and enjoy our home - not having to rush.

We got some rain today so I was able to finally put a wedding book together to take to a local wedding venue and then we went to Spider Man 3. Three kids sat next to us, all by themselves. I think the Mom must have had other kids at another movie, or something. She set them up with popcorn and then left. I think they were about eight.

Then, afterwards, I stood at the counter working with some more pictures until the sunset called me. We have bluebirds making a nest in the house in the backyard and they have the sweetest, most gentle song. I put the dog hair that I comb out of Bogie in back of their house for nesting materials.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hilarious First Wedding Dance

YouTube can be so entertaining, can't it? I'm doing constant research (well, almost constant) on wedding photography and came across this link on one of my forums. Weddings are so much more fun than they used to be.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

First Engagement Session

I did my first couple's session last Saturday. It was a beautiful evening so we met at 5:30 at their home to get some shots there, first. Then, we finished up at a State Park. It took a while for us all to loosen up but they did more and more kissing toward the end!

Here's a link to my first ShowIt video:
Heidi and Jon

Friday, May 18, 2007

Evening Walk

There was some beautiful light and flowers tonight on the Jane Addams Trail. Bogie and I were all alone - that is, there were no people. We heard Sandhill Cranes and pheasants and saw a Baltimore Oriole, a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, catbirds and flickers. The sunset was spectacular.

Originally uploaded by NmB Photography.

Friday, May 11, 2007

New Actions

I came across this photo taken before Easter. Paige is holding one of the Easter cookies made by Cole's Confectionary in Freeport. Yummo - they are awesome bakers. I applied my new black-and-white action. I think I like this. I was looking for something in between brown and black tones. Something that I can quickly use to show proofs on the web. The border was recently purchased from Itty Bitty actions.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

It's Here - my first L series Lens

I couldn't wait for the UPS man to come tonight to deliver my new 24-70mm Canon lens. We took a stroll on the golf course and I shot a few of the dusky sky. This will be the perfect lens for a couple of upcoming jobs - an interior/exterior for somebody that renovates houses and for Highland's graduation. It has to be indoors this year due to continued construction at Krape Park. This is a wide shot of my living room -

Molly spent two nights in the hospital last week with a Strepp infection - probably caused by her central line. She had a raging fever on Wednesday upon admission. That same afternoon, my 31-year-old son found out that he has mono. How weird is that? So anyway, they both are sick.

We helped Dawn's family move and I took a bunch of new house shots as well as some hilarious ones of Kelby posing apres bath. Erin even posed good for me this time.