We got some rain today so I was able to finally put a wedding book together to take to a local wedding venue and then we went to Spider Man 3. Three kids sat next to us, all by themselves. I think the Mom must have had other kids at another movie, or something. She set them up with popcorn and then left. I think they were about eight.
Then, afterwards, I stood at the counter working with some more pictures until the sunset called me. We have bluebirds making a nest in the house in the backyard and they have the sweetest, most gentle song. I put the dog hair that I comb out of Bogie in back of their house for nesting materials.

ewwww! Very Grey and moody and dramatic, very nice!
I love your blog, and your pictures... I think you might like my mom's blog, Words that Flow... (even though it's called that, it's mostly photography)
Why we're stopping by is we're on a quest to find blogging dogs, peace-loving dogs for next week's "Dona Nobis Pacem"
Peaceglobe day...(the cats have overtaken the movement so far!!)
Please join!
Thank you.
Blogblast for Peace
6th June 2007
(If you do 'Wordless Wednesday' a Peaceglobe would be fantastic!
and if you know of a general 'Dogs with Blogs' notice board, even better! *lick*)
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