These two little grand girls of mine, have quite the mutual admiration going on. Erin totally looks up to Paige and, of course, Paige relishes that. Erin now puts on her clothes using Paige's unique methods, Paige has a Belle nightgown like Erin's, Erin now WEARS nightgowns (she used to favor footed pajamas).
Paige's Saturday started out with another trip to the Dr for a possible ear infection and it took most of the day for the antibiotic to kick in so, the rest of us went to the Museum of Science and Industry. Wow, that place has changed in the past ten years. Of course, what hasn't?? Paige wailed because she had to stay home and take a nap but boy, did the girls have fun after that. Kelby gets a little annoyed (and hurt) when they leave him out.
In the first photo they are watching "Enchanted" and in the second one we are walking home from Dick's Last Resort. The girls just melt my heart holding hands while riding on their Daddy's shoulders - winter coats and all. More photos in the slideshow.

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